The safety of clients and employees of “KDB Bank Uzbekistan”

Dear Clients,
The safety of clients and employees of “KDB Bank Uzbekistan” JSC, as well as the management of possible risks, remain the most important priorities in the activity of our bank. In order to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection COVID-19, we are doing our best to provide safe and comfortable client service and the work for our employees.
Measures taken by the Bank:
- From March 16, 2020, the Bank has introduced the mandatory temperature measurement for employees and visitors in all branches of the Bank. In case of detection of fever or the symptoms of infection, employees and visitors will need to return home and call a doctor.
- All employees of the Bank were informed about the need to change mass meetings and appointments, both with colleagues and clients, to telephone or conference calls.
- Bank branches are equipped with antiseptic dispensers and each visitor is strongly recommended to use them.
- Employees servicing clients are provided with medical gloves and masks.
- Employees are recommended to communicate with visitors at least 1 meter away.
Other measures for preventing the coronavirus infection have been implemented as well into the internal processes of the Bank.
All implemented measures are of preventive nature - to minimize potential risks for you and the public as a whole.
We strongly recommend use the Bank's available and comfortable remote services (Internet Banking, OfficeNet, MultiPay) for conducting banking operations.
We keep monitoring the situation and we are sure that the country's leadership will successfully coordinate the work of all relevant institutions and will keep under control of the spread of infection.
Take care of yourself and your loved ones!
JSC "KDB Bank Uzbekistan"