Bank Policies
Anti-Money Laundering and Sanctions Policy Statements
Policy for the prevention and management of conflicts of interest
Anti-corruption Policy
Bank refers to the following legislation for its Anti-corruption Policy:-Law “On combatting corruption”-Law “On banks and bank activity”-the Charter of the Bank-other internal documents of the Bank.The bank should:-To minimize the risk of involving the Bank, chairman and members of the Board, and employees of the Bank, regardless of their position in corruption activities;-To form a uniform understanding of the Bank's Policy on the rejection of corruption in any form and manifestation among Shareholders, the Investment Community, Counterparties, Branches, their members of Management Bodies, Employees and other persons;-To establish the obligation of the Bank Employees to know and comply with the principles and requirements of this Policy, the key norms of applicable anti-corruption legislation, as well as adequate procedures to combat corruption.-Summarize and clarify the basic requirements of anti-corruption legislation that may apply to the Bank and its branches.Also:-The Bank does not finance charitable and sponsorship projects in order to gain commercial advantage in certain projects-Information on charitable and sponsorship activities is published on the Internet, in reports, or otherwise on the bank's website-The Bank does not finance political parties, organizations, movements, and civil servants and/or their close relatives to achieve commercial advantages in certain projects-The Bank requires its Employees to comply with this Policy, informing them of the basic rules, requirements, and sanctions for violations. 
Quality Management Policy
Bank refers to the following legislation for its Quality Management Policy:-President Decree of RUz #PD-3270 dd. 12.09.2017-ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System – Fundamental principles and vocabulary, Requirements.JSC “KDB Bank Uzbekistan” is one of the foreign banks in Uzbekistan providing high-quality services in the Banking sector. Having highly qualified specialists and modern technological equipment, the Bank seeks to expand its position in the domestic and foreign markets by providing high-quality services that meet the requirements of consumers and shareholders.Based on the mission of the Bank, the management and staff of JSC “KDB Bank Uzbekistan” set the main goal in the field of quality - to ensure and maintain customer confidence in JSC “KDB Bank Uzbekistan” as a bank providing high-quality financial services.To achieve and realize this goal, the Bank defines the main strategic directions:- Client Focus- Concernment- Trust- Sustainable Performance 
Corporate Governance Policy
Bank refers to the following legislation for its Corporate Governance Policy:-Law “On banks and bank activity”-Laws “On joint-stock companies and protection of shareholders’ rights” -the Charter of the Bank The system of corporate governance in the Bank includes the bank management bodies and the Bank's internal audit and internal control bodies.The management bodies of the Bank are:-General Meeting of Shareholders;-Supervisory Board;-Management Board.The system of internal control bodies of the Bank includes:-Revision Commission;-Audit Committee;-Internal Audit Service (Audit Department)The Bank ensures transparency of activities and effective information interaction with shareholders, investors, and other interested parties by:-ensure the publication of information subject to mandatory disclosure on the Bank's website and in other sources provided by law, with translation into English, Russian and other languages, convenient for Shareholders and other interested parties, including Foreign Investors;-publish the rationale for the proposed distribution of net profit, the number of dividends, assess their compliance with that adopted in the dividend policy, as well as, if necessary, clarify and economically justify the volumes of the direction of a certain part of the net profit for the Bank’s development needs. 
Policy on Disclosure of Information
Bank refers to the following legislation for its Policy on Disclosure of Information:-Laws “On joint-stock companies and protection of shareholders’ rights” -Law “On securities market” -the Rules “On disclosure and publishing of the information on securities market” -the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers “On measures for further improvement corporate governance in joint-stock companies”.Throughout its existence, the Bank discloses information in accordance with the requirements of local legislation and generally accepted criteria. Information related to the activities of the Bank and to be disclosed shall be posted in a timely and complete manner in the sources specified by law. The Bank may also, at its discretion, disclose other personal information through selected information distribution channels. 
Dividend Policy
Bank refers to the following legislation for its Dividend Policy:-Law “On joint-stock companies and protection of the shareholders’ rights”-Law “On banks and bank activity”and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Proposal on payment of dividends submitted for consideration of the Bank’s Management Board with their further introduction to the Supervisory Board and the General Meeting of Shareholders of the Bank. The amount of dividend payments is determined in accordance with the current legislation, particularly according to the Regulation “On requirements to the capital adequacy of commercial banks”, registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan on July 6, 2015, by # 2693.Under the decision of the General Meeting of the Shareholders of the Bank, the dividend can be paid by money resources or other legal means of payment. The dividend is distributed among the Shareholders proportionally to the number and type of shares belonging to them.A decision on payment of annual dividends, an amount of dividend, and a form of its payment on shares of each type are taken by the General Meeting of Shareholders on the grounds of the recommendation of the Supervisory Board of the Bank. A number of annual dividends cannot exceed that recommended by the Supervisory Board of the Bank. The General Meeting of Shareholders has the right to take a decision on non-payment of dividends on shares, as well as on payment of dividends partially. 
Code of Conduct
“Customer is always right” is the motto of our bank, which always leads to speed, convenience, and flexibility in customer service in accordance with current legislation.Our employees do their best to constantly improve their knowledge and skills in order to provide high-quality services.The needs of customers for advanced, secure, and comprehensive banking services are growing day by day. The requirement for our qualified staff in this regard is to provide effective service by carefully studying the needs of our customers and providing alternative solutions to satisfy them.In today’s rapidly changing financial environment, we are a partner of our clients. In order to build long-term strong relationships with them, we are committed to gaining the trust of our customers.