Remote Banking
Nowadays, use of remote banking services is a daily need, and KDB Bank Uzbekistan offers to you the possibility to choose the most suitable type of remote administration of your financial resources and transactions no matter where you are or what time of day it actually is.
Alternatively, JSC KDB Bank Uzbekistan offers Internet Banking electronic banking service for transactions in national currency, developed both for corporate and individual clients.

Internet Banking
Internet Banking is a convenient way for online banking experience developed for both corporate and individual clients.
Internet Banking is a convenient way for online banking experience developed for both corporate and individual clients. Internet Banking allows:

SMS Informing
Client receives instant notifications on local mobile phone about transactions executed in the account, on account balance upon client’s request and various short information communication messages from the Bank.
Client receives instant notifications on local mobile phone about transactions executed in the account, on account balance upon client’s request and various short information communication messages from the Bank.
Key benefits:
If you are a corporate client of JSC KDB Bank Uzbekistan “SMS Informing” service can be activated at your servicing branch of the Bank. The service is paid in accordance with the Tariffs of the Bank.