About the operation of old versions and the need to update the mobile banking application.

Dear clients!
JSC ‘KDB Bank Uzbekistan’ herewith announces that access to the old version of the ‘MultiPay’ mobile application will be closed from September 29, 2023. At the same time, we remind you of the need to switch to the new version of the ‘KDBUz Mobile’ application.
What actions must a user of the 'MultiPay’ version take to keep the mobile banking functional?
Step 1. Check the application version at the following path: ‘Menu’ → ‘About application’. If the application version is KDBUz Mobile 2.0 and above - the application will remain accessible. If the application version is named ‘MultiPay’, it must be updated.
Step 2. Important! Uninstall the old version of the ‘MultiPay’ application by doing it as follows: click ‘Settings’ → ‘Applications’ → ‘MultiPay’ → ‘Uninstall’.
Step 3. Users need to install an updated version of the ‘KDBUz Mobile v2’ application from Google Play or AppStore.
If you have any questions while installing the application or accessing your account, you can contact the Customer Support Center at +998900140262 (Telegram) or +99878120800 and get individual advice.