Closure of Yunusobod branch of JSC “KDB Bank Uzbekistan”

With the purpose to optimize the resources, on 31 January 2023 the Supervisory Board of JSC "KDB Bank Uzbekistan" (hereafter “the Bank”) adopted a decision to close the Yunusobod branch of the Bank [Bank code 00831] (hereafter “the Branch”).
In accordance with the applicable legislation, the Bank shall bear the responsibility for all obligations of the Branch, including the obligations in front of clients.
In connection with the closure of the Branch, we kindly request all clients of the Branch to open accounts at the Head office of the Bank [Bank code 00842].
For additional information or in case of questions, we request the clients of the Branch to contact the Client Service Department at the following telephone numbers: (+998) 781208743; 781208744; 781208709; 781206141; 781208780.
JSC "KDB Bank Uzbekistan"