To follow the guidelines to prevent infection and spread of Covid-19

Dear Clients,
On July 16, 2020, KDB Bank Uzbekistan (hereinafter referred as the Bank) received information that the
test results for Covid-19 of one of the employees of the Bank's Head Office came out positive. This
employee has been working remotely outside the office since June 29, 2020.
Since the beginning of the quarantine period in the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Bank has taken all
appropriate measures to prevent the spread of the infection. In particular, the transfer of the maximum
number of employees to remote work was organized to ensure their safety and uninterrupted operation
of the Bank, and every weekend the Bank building is disinfected by the Sanitary and Epidemiological
Taking into account the fact that a Bank employee with a positive result for Covid-19 was on a remote
mode more than 15 days before the infection was detected, the Bank continues its activities and
customer service in the Head Office, as well as in the Yakkasaray and Yunusabad Branches in a regular
We earnestly remind our Clients to use electronic distance services for making bank transfers, as well as
to reduce the number of visits to the Bank's building and its Branches, to comply with preventive
measures and mask regime.
We urge everyone to follow the generally accepted guidelines to prevent potential infection and spread
of Covid-19 infection.
Take care of yourself and your loved ones.
JSC «KDB Bank Uzbekistan»