Fund transfer service in foreign currency
The Bank offers service on the transfer of funds abroad in foreign currency, both in main functional currencies (currencies that are more often subject of transactions) and in exotic currencies (currencies that are rarely used for transactions) without opening an account in foreign currency.
Process Description
1. Account Opening
Account in Uzbek Soum is opened according to the internal procedures of the bank when the client applies to the bank in person.
2. Account Replenishment
Client replenishes the account with the bank by depositing funds. At the same time, the replenishment amount should cover the equivalent amount of foreign currency, taking into account the fluctuation of exchange rates and the bank’s commission for transfers in foreign currency.
3. Fund Transfer
Client submits a payment order for the fund transfer in foreign currency in accordance with the form established by the bank.
4. Finalization of the Transaction
Client can receive the remaining balance of the deposited amount in Uzbek Soum after completion of the fund transfer.
Transfer Currencies
Fund transfers can be made in the following 25 currencies, including exotic currencies.
When sending funds in above listed currencies client can receive the remaining balance of the deposited amount in Uzbek Soum on the next day after completion of the fund transfer.
For more information, please contact Client Service Team