
JSC "KDB Bank Uzbekistan" provides the following services on trade and noncommercial operations in foreign currency legal entities.

Services related to export/import of goods, works and services

Consultation on terms of export/import contracts

Receipt payments  on export contracts (both cash and non-cash forms)

Entering information on export proceeds into YEISVO database as quickly as possible

Quality process of payments on import contracts

Entering information on payments on import contracts into YEISVO database

Conducting conversion operations on import contracts

Conducting conversion operations on dividends, reimbursement of foreign loans and on other applications specified by the legislation

Consultation and provision of practical assistance on using E-Contract program for entering information on foreign trade contracts

Providing information and letters on foreign trade contracts based on requests

Services on noncommercial operations

Receipt and transfer of payments on education, medical treatment and other noncommercial operations of individuals and legal entities

If you have any questions related on payments in foreign currency feel free to contact our qualified specialists